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2023 Banquet

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2023 6:41 pm
by Craig Kuhn
All right, here is the Final Banquet Roster. Please review and contact us ASAP if you see something wrong. There will be an open bar and raffles so please bring some cash if you plan on tipping the bartender or participating in any raffles.

The banquet is on Saturday, December 9 at Andres off of Telegraph Road.

The banquet starts promptly at Noon. Plan on arriving no later than 11:45. If you are going to be late let us know.

FYI - If you have RSVP’d for a guest, you will owe $20 even if they don’t show up to the banquet as we have to prepay for their meal. Please plan to pay at the banquet if possible. If you do not pay for your guest at the banquet, you will need to pay this before fishing the 2024 season.
See everyone there!

Chance Albertson
Bernell Albertson - Spouse
Julie Albertson
Landon Brune
Gary Byrd - Debby Byrd
Jeffery Childers
Scott Childers
Ronette Childers
Jim Collier - Cynthia Collier
Don Cremer - Donna Cremer
Joey Dekold - Spouse
Corey Dickerson - Leslie Dickerson
Don Dickerson - Nathan Dickerson
Braden Dickerson
Paul DiMercurio
Amelia DiMercurio
Tim Dring
John Dring - Spouse
Tim Fleming - Liz Fleming
Brandon Frazier
Jeremy Goins - Carolina Goins
Rich Harper
Kristen Harper - Lydia Watkins
Scott Hasty - Jolene Hasty
Corey Hill
Chris Himstedt
Eddie Hinrichs
Jeremy Hittler
Victoria Hudgens
Mike Jankowski
Jacob Jones
Ken Jones - Missy Jones
Kyle Jones
Blake Karasek - Kate Karasek
John Ketcherside
Darla Ketcherside
Steve Korn
Alex Korn
Craig Kuhn - Doug Kuhn
Scott Langanke - Thomas Langanke
Kyle Lawrence
Mark Lewis - Carole Lewis
Arianna Newwell
Chris O'Brien
Mike Parmentier
Michael Parmentier
Jay Petry
David Potashnick - Spouse
Patrick Priesmeyer
Grant Priesmeyer
Tim Redington
Ted Reim
Curt Rogers - Karen Rogers
Jim Romaine - Rachael Romaine
Steven Romaine - Stephanie
Brent Ryan
Tom Seabaugh - Paula Seabaugh
Tim Seabaugh - Sharon Seabaugh
Cory Schutte - Sharon Schutte
Tyler Schutte
Mick Schwent
Doris Schwent
Greg Shands
Andy Shands - Carrie Shands
Drew Shands
Rich Shaw
Jason Shaw
Bob Shibe - Denise Shibe
Jimmy Slee - Natalie Slee
Dean Sullivan
Terri Sullivan
Ryan Sutton
Mark Svetina - Kelly Svetina
Cade Svetina - Ryan Svetina
Dirk Tucker - Kelly Barnes
Rodney Turgeon
Ryan Valett
Chris Waldow - Susan Bollinger
Cody Watson
John Wiethaupt
Thurson Wren - Chelsea Wren
Kody Yates - Christine Yates
N/A - Pam Wakim